
The Development Data Partnership is a collaboration between international organizations and technology companies, facilitating the efficient and responsible use of third-party data in international development.

The Partnership’s success is predicated on our standardized legal, IT, and governance procedures, as well as our vibrant data science community.

Partnership activities are guided by a Board, with representation from each international development partner, as well as a Strategic Advisory Group, with representation from donors and technology partners. Day-to-day management is led by the Partnership’s Secretariat and working groups – legal, IT, and data science. These governance bodies – and the invaluable contributions of their members – make possible our seamless coordination between international organizations and private firms for public good.

Why Partnership

Public policy and provision of public infrastructure and services are heavily dependent on data – higher quality, timely data translates into more effective sector and program prioritization, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

Increasingly, the private sector is generating data that could be used to complement traditional public-sector data collection methods. Through public-private collaboration, in addition to generating more timely and relevant data for decision making, entirely new public good use cases could be discovered and implemented.

By learning through real world project implementation, the Partnership transforms proprietary datasets into sustainably generated, sharable insights for improving public sector services and infrastructure.

How it works

  • Partnership

    Standard data license templates are signed between Data Partners and each participating organization (e.g., World Bank, CAF, IMF, IDB,OECD).

  • Project Proposals

    Data Partners uses the Partnership portal to evaluate project proposals submitted by staff of international organizations (Development Partners).

    Submit a Proposal

    Documentation Hub

  • Data Management

    Upon project approval, data are securely and responsibly ingested, stored, and managed through the Partnership IT architecture and procedures.

  • Data Goods

    Data Partners are kept updated through the Partnership portal of derived data products and new methods.


Short Term Impact

Since launching, there are more than 150 development projects have been completed or are under implementation, covering all Sustainable Development Goals.

Long Term Impact

By learning through real project implementation, the Partnership transforms proprietary datasets into sustainably generated, sharable insights for improving public sector services and infrastructure in emerging economies.